Kahl Consultants Interprojects Testimonial

My consulting company Interprojects has now contracted Kahl Consultants to set up a new website (or completely revamp an old one) for the third time. Not only did I receive a great deal of help conceiving the Straturity site, finding the right pictures, making it all work and finding solutions for technical issues, but the bill at the end was the best surprise!

Despite having offered very personalized and attentive support, they charged me less than I was expecting! I strongly recommend them to any small business. Of course they also have no problem creating a bilingual or multilingual site – they are as international as they are locally expert.

Reavis Hilz-Ward, Interprojects

Kahl Consultants has been helping small businesses since 1998 providing its clients guidance and training for beginners in managing their own websites. Kahl Consultants offers a full spectrum of internet marketing services for small businesses and non-profits. Check out our current and recent clients.