IPSE is a shareware electronic primer on passive solar architecture. It is aimed at architects and students.
IPSE was developed by Alex Kahl while at GOPA Consultants on behalf of the European Commission DG XVII.
IPSE is an electronic Introduction to Passive Solar Energy. Use this educational programme as a learning tool or a reference material.
The European Commission Directorate General for Energy (DG XVII) supported this work as a THERMIE Programme action.
This version 1.1e is in English. Future versions in other languages (Portuguese, German, Spanish, etc.) are planned. The information level is equivalent to that of beginning/intermediate college courses. This program is intended for professionals who are NOT yet familiar with passive solar energy. Professionals who are familiar with passive solar should try SolArch.
The audience group includes:
Important! To run this software we recommend the following:
NOTE! Be sure that you have 600 K available conventional RAM memory and have loaded a mouse driver to ensure that the programme will run properly!
If you do not have 600 K RAM available, then a handy tool called MEMBOOST (which comes with version 1.1e of IPSE) will assist you to configure your PC accordingly.
DOS installation is simple:
(1) Insert diskette 1 into floppy drive A (or B if necessary).
(2) Type the following:
A: <enter> (or B: <enter> if necessary)
INSTALL <enter>
This will call up the installation programme which will then install Introduction to Passive Solar Energy (hereafter called IPSE) into the subdirectory C:\IPSE, unless you specify another subdirectory. The installation programme can take a few minutes, PLEASE BE PATIENT!
In the subdirectory C:\IPSE (or the one you specified), simply type IPSE <enter> to run the programme. If you do not have 600 K RAM available, then a handy tool called MEMBOOST (which comes with version 1.1e of IPSE) will assist you to configure your PC accordingly.
Although IPSE was designed for DOS, those that prefer to run this programme under Windows can manually install the IPSE programme under Windows. Windows icon files are in the subdirectory MISC. There are 3 to choose from; ICONA.ico, ICONB.ico, and SOLAR.ico.
If you are not sure how to install a DOS programme under Windows, try consulting a Windows manual for further info.
NOTE: if you have less than 600 K conventional memory and you need to run MEMBOOST so that IPSE can function properly, then you cannot run IPSE under Windows. Exit to DOS and run IPSE.
You can refer to this file as a handy reference to the IPSE programme.
This shareware programme is copyrighted software. However, we encourage you to share it with others as long as no charge is made for the software. If you find this programme worthwile and would like to use it professionally, we ask that you register as a user.
The registration fee is 15 ECU (or 30 DM) to cover the expenses. See REGISTRATION INFORMATION below. We also ask that anyone receiving this programme please fill out the enclosed questionnaire. Neither the European Commission nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission is responsible for the use which may be made of the programme or the information contained within.
When exiting the IPSE programme you will be given the opportunity to comment on this programme. Simply print out the questionnaire, fill in your comments, and send it to us via fax or mail. This file is also available in the MISC subdirectory (QUESTION.TXT).
Diskette 1 contains the following files:
Diskette 2 contains the following files:
Upon installation these files should be in the subdirectory C:\SOLAR :
Upon installation these files should be in the subdirectory C:\IPSE\GOP01:
Upon installation the following files should be in the subdirectory C:\IPSE\MISC :
The files should all reside in the directories as stated above.
IPSE is available on-line. It can be downloaded here.
Registration fees still apply.
Solarch is a tool for architects to design a residential building using the advantages of passive solar architecture. It is for the architect who is already acquainted with passive solar energy.
This software provides assistance during the building planning and design process by helping estimate the energy efficiency of a building design. The first edition is in English and specifically for Northern Europe (in particular for the UK and Ireland). Click here for more information on SolArch.