Publications, Lectures, Interviews and Media CoverageAlexander Kahl
Kahl Consultants |
Co-author, Verbesserung der Wirkungsgrade von Komponenten (SB40), chapter in VDI Enzyklopaedie, 1988
Author of CFC Refrigerants and Thermal Energy Storage, chapters in Cooling Alternatives Training Manual, Dames & Moore, 1989.
Principal Author, Engineering Economics Training Manual, Georgia Power Company, 1989.
Co-author, Marketing Representatives Handbook, Edison Electric Institute, 1991.
Co-author, REProV Renewable Energy Program Management Software Handbook, BMBF German Ministry for Research & Technology, August 1991.
Co-author, Sector Studies Germany, Denmark, France, Chapters in Energy Technology in the Iron and Steel Sector, DG XVII (European Commission)
, 1991.
Co-author, Municipal Solid Waste Management and Waste Combustion in Eastern Europe - Case Study Hungary, THERMIE Programme, March 1992.
Steering Committee Member and Environmental Session Chairperson, European Waste Management Seminar, Tarragona, Spain, March 1992.
Transfer of Waste Management Technology to Eastern Europe, presented at EURES Seminar, Seville, Spain, IDAE -Secretaria General de la Energia y Recursos Minerales, June 1992.
Environmental Impact Study of Cement Industry Waste and Tire Utilisation and Combustion in the European Union and the Commonwealth of Independent States, DG I-A TACIS Program, 1993
Program Presentation, Financing Cogeneration and District Heating, in Prague, Czech Republic, DG XVII, May 1993.
*Waste Management in Eastern European Countries, lecture at European Waste Management Workshop (also Steering Committee Member and Chairperson), Athens, Greece, June 1993.
Municipal Solid Waste Management and Waste-to-Energy in Eastern Europe: Case Studies Poland, Czech Republic, and Slovakia, THERMIE Programme, November 1993.
Environmental Protection and Energy, Training Course Material, DG I-A TACIS Program, May 1994.
Municipal Solid Waste Management in Eastern Europe: THERMIE Case Studies Hungary, Poland, the Czech Republic and Slovakia, lecture given at Workshop on Financing Municipal Solid Waste Management in Budapest, Hungary, September 1994.
IPSE Introduction to Passive Solar Energy Software, DG XVII, April 1994.
Program Presentation, Financing Cogeneration and District Heating, in Ljubljana, Slovenia, Ministry of Economic Affairs, May 1994.
Passive Solarenergie-Informationssoftware, presented at the 9. Internationales Sonnenforum, Stuttgart, Germany, June 1994.
Market Survey: Contracting in Germany, SAVE Program, 1994.
Co-author, Specialized Course on Environmental Management, Russian Officer's Retraining Program, DG I-A TACIS Program, 1995.
Feasibility Study on Possible Local Production of Heat Meters and Control Devices for the Building Sector, Republic of Uzbekistan, June 1995.
Co-author, Study on Rural Electrification Programmes, Bangladesh, Kreditanstalt fuer Wiederaufbau (KfW), August 1995.
Chairperson and Panel Discussion Arbiter, Financing Energy Sector Investments, SYNERGY Programme, Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 1995.
Co-author, Introduction to Passive Solar Energy, lecture, Solar World Congress, Harare, Zimbabwe, 1995.
SolArch Solar Architecture Software, 1996.
Principal Author, Biomass use in Cogeneration and District Heating: Case Studies Hungary, Poland, Czech Republic and Slovakia, DG XVII, May 1996
Co-author, A Guidebook for Biomass Use, Project Development Potential and Financial Options for Poland, DG XVII, June 1996.
Co-author, A Guidebook for Biomass Use, Project Development Potential and Financial Options for the Czech Republic, DG XVII, June 1996.
Co-author, Environmental Impact of Energy Technologies in Mediterranean Countries Training Manual, THERMIE Programme, 1997
Time to go surfing on the Web with the Sierra Club, Loma Prietan, Sierra Club Loma Prieta Chapter, November 1997
Politics on Your Plate - A Guide to Vegetarian Dining, Loma Prietan, Sierra Club Loma Prieta Chapter, February 1998
Learning your way around the law: A Guide to CEQA (California Environmental Quality Act), Loma Prietan, Sierra Club Loma Prieta Chapter, May 1998
Media Coverage - Interviewed for a variety of TV and magazine articles - see About Us