With my dog in tow I joined my neighbors and local volunteers in planting some native plant seedlings to help protect our local open space.
In my case "local open space" is a protected wetland sandwiched between my home and the San Pablo bay. It is called the Santa Venetia Marsh Open Space Preserve.
The Marin County Open Space District and local nonprofit organization "Save the Bay" and many volunteers are building a "biological fence" of native plants on both sides of the levy. Once these plants are established they will keep the endangered animals in the wetland (such as the California Clapper Rail, a rather elusive bird) from being disturbed by humans and their dogs.
Read the article in the Marin IJ. There is even a quote of mine at the end of the article!
Nature lovers get dirty
(Marin Independent Journal)
Related subjects:
Santa Venetia Marsh
California Clapper Rail