Nature Trees

Time to Reconnect With Nature

This coming Monday 5 June, go outside and reconnect #WithNature. Remember that by keeping our planet healthy, we keep ourselves healthy too. Join an event or bring your own idea to life!

Since 1974 World Environment Day (WED) is the biggest annual event for positive environmental action occurs on 5 June annuall. This is the United Nation's principal vehicle for encouraging worldwide awareness and action for the protection of our environment.

This year's theme is: Connecting People to Nature.

For more information click here.

Space elevator

Imagine a 'Space Elevator' Competition where a laser-powered robot climbs into the desert sky using space elevator technology. Sound too far fetched? Not really, it sounds like an idea out of a science fiction novel, but Thoth Technology has been granted a patent for an inflatable, pneumatically pressured tower stretching 12.5 miles high. The top of the so-called space elevator would serve as a liftoff point to space, potentially saving more than 30 percent of the fuel of a conventional rocket, according to the company.

Oct 24

How to clean your home and office using only nontoxic natural cleaning materials. Keep toxins out of your home and save money with safe, effective homemade cleaners.

Some household cleaners contains ingredients that are harmful for our health and contributes to indoor air pollution which harms us and our loved ones.

Nothing feels as comforting and welcoming as a tidy, well-tended home. But a clean home isn’t necessarily a healthy one. As you peruse the cleaning aisle’s furniture polishes, air fresheners, carpet deodorizers and stain removers, you may realize that a full product arsenal could contain literally hundreds of chemicals and include dozens of safety warnings—not to mention cost a small fortune. Fortunately, you can create nontoxic, inexpensive counterparts to nearly every conventional cleaning product with items found in your pantry.

Click here to learn more.