Vote for your favorite businesses in the Pacific Sun Best of Marin 2023 Reader's Poll. Voting runs until May 17, 2023. You can now express your love and appreciation for your favorite local businesses here in Marin. Vote Now!
A few online voting rules:
- Complete at least 20 votes of the ballot for inclusion in the poll
- Include your name and a valid email address
- Ballots are confidential, but you may be called to confirm your vote
- Multiple ballots from a single IP address or sender may result in a winner's disqualification
- Deadline for online ballots is May 17, 2023
Categories to vote for include:
- Arts & Culture
- Beauty, Health & Wellness
- Cannabis
- Everyday
- Family
- Food & Drink
- Beer, Wine & Spirits
- Home Improvement
- Fitness & Recreation, and
- Romance
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