Are you a small business owner with a merchant services account for accepting credit card payments? Then here's an important message for you about HOAX MESSAGES.
Online scam artists are sending fake “MasterCard Security Alert” e-mail messages to merchants. These emails ask the merchant to conduct payment card test transactions and then send the transaction data to an e-mail address not affiliated with MasterCard.
Criminals gain merchant transaction information this way. Then they make fraudulent purchases and refunds using stolen payment card information.
Like almost all companies, MasterCard does NOT contact merchants directly to request payment card transaction information or to conduct test transactions.
MasterCard is obviously not the only company affected by such scammers, so be aware that other credit card companies can also be targeted.
Have you received an unsolicited call, e-mail, text, or social media request from anyone claiming to be a MasterCard Security Representative? DO NOT RESPOND! Do send their information to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
When in doubt you can also simply call your credit card company for verification.
Another warning about another online hoax brought to you by Kahl Consultants.