KC News

2024 New Years Resolution: Make My Website More Accessible

Kahl Consultants Make My Website More Accessible

Did you know that your website may fall under requirements pertaining to disabled visitors?

Any brick-and-mortar business considered a public space must comply with the American Disabilities Act (ADA). Through the ADA Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) this extends to websites as well. The WCAG version 2.2 guidelines are now called W3C Recommended and are valid worldwide.

Turn Off That Device! Reclaim Time... and Sanity

Kahl Consultants Turn Off that Device

In the age of constant connectivity, it’s easy to forget to turn off devices. Smartphones, laptops, tablets, smart TVs, so many screens surround us with digital noise, stealing our attention and often leaving us exhausted. Here's a simple solution to improve your mood, your sleep, and maybe even your sanity. And it is totally simple! Yes, just turn off your devices.